Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on NRA’s Affiliations with Politics

NRA’s Affiliations with Politics Special interest groups have dominated government since the beginning of America's political system. Special interest groups or lobbies are collections of individuals who join together to engage in common interests and to influence the decisions on public policies. Many people view special interest groups as an essential part of the political process. By this means, special interest groups can be good. The point that displeases many people about organized interests is that more often than not money overpowers the right decision; that is why some interest organizations can be a problem. The richer the organizations, the better chance they have to persuade the government officials and the average citizen. A great example of an affluent organization with the purpose of exerting influence over the government and citizens is the National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA is more of a single-issue interest group that uses business dominance theories of representation. This organization tries its best to demise any political act against the Second Amendment, the right to bare arms. Members of the NRA consist mostly of Republicans; therefore, this interest group has a political party gender dominating the majority of its members. â€Å"But the NRA and its Republican allies in the House passed a much more lenient gun control measure than the Senate did. The NRA spent some $3 million to prevent the Senate bill from being enacted by the House†¦Ã¢â‚¬  [1] The NRA exploits many different approaches of exerting influence over the political process. They use clear-cut methods such as inside and outside lobbying, direct and indirect lobbying, and grassroots lobbying. These strategies t hat have been employed by the NRA have acutely influenced the political process. Direct Lobbying of the NRA Direct formal lobbying, being face-to-face with public officials, is used widely by the NRA. A great example of thi... Free Essays on NRA’s Affiliations with Politics Free Essays on NRA’s Affiliations with Politics NRA’s Affiliations with Politics Special interest groups have dominated government since the beginning of America's political system. Special interest groups or lobbies are collections of individuals who join together to engage in common interests and to influence the decisions on public policies. Many people view special interest groups as an essential part of the political process. By this means, special interest groups can be good. The point that displeases many people about organized interests is that more often than not money overpowers the right decision; that is why some interest organizations can be a problem. The richer the organizations, the better chance they have to persuade the government officials and the average citizen. A great example of an affluent organization with the purpose of exerting influence over the government and citizens is the National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA is more of a single-issue interest group that uses business dominance theories of representation. This organization tries its best to demise any political act against the Second Amendment, the right to bare arms. Members of the NRA consist mostly of Republicans; therefore, this interest group has a political party gender dominating the majority of its members. â€Å"But the NRA and its Republican allies in the House passed a much more lenient gun control measure than the Senate did. The NRA spent some $3 million to prevent the Senate bill from being enacted by the House†¦Ã¢â‚¬  [1] The NRA exploits many different approaches of exerting influence over the political process. They use clear-cut methods such as inside and outside lobbying, direct and indirect lobbying, and grassroots lobbying. These strategies t hat have been employed by the NRA have acutely influenced the political process. Direct Lobbying of the NRA Direct formal lobbying, being face-to-face with public officials, is used widely by the NRA. A great example of thi...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Origins and Symbolism of the German National Flag

Origins and Symbolism of the German National Flag These days, when you come across a larger number of German flags, you are probably running into a bunch of soccer fans or walking through an allot settlement. But as many state flags, also the German one has quite an interesting history. Even though the Federal Republic of Germany wasn’t founded until 1949, the countrys flag, bearing the tricolors black, red, and gold, is actually much older than the year 1949. The flag was created as a symbol of hope for a united state, that didn’t even exist at that time. 1848: A Symbol of Revolution The year 1848 was probably one of the most influential years in European history. It brought revolutions and massive change in many areas of daily and political life all over the continent. After the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, hopes for a united non-authoritarian German state were quickly disappointed as Austria in the South and Prussia in the North achieved practical domination over the patchwork of dozens of smaller kingdoms and realms that were Germany back then. Shaped by the traumatic experience of French occupation, in the following years, the incrementally educated middle classes, especially the younger people, were appalled by the autocratic rule from the outside. After the German revolution in 1848, the National Assembly in Frankfurt declared the constitution of a new, free, and united Germany. The colors of this country, or rather its people, were to be black, red, and gold. Why Black, Red, and Gold? The tricolor dates back to the Prussian resistance against Napoleonic Rule. A squad of voluntary fighters wore black uniforms with red buttons and golden trimmings. Originating there, the colors were soon used as a symbol of freedom and nation. From 1830 onwards, more and more black, red, and gold flags could be found, even though it was mostly illegal to fly them openly as the people were not allowed to defy their respective rulers. With the beginning of the revolution in 1848, the people took to the flag as the emblem of their cause.   Some Prussian cities were practically painted in its colors. Their inhabitants were fully aware of the fact that this would humiliate the government. The idea behind the use of the flag was, that a united Germany should be constituted by the people: One nation, including all of the different realms and territories. But the high hopes of the revolutionaries didn’t last long. The Frankfurt parliament basically dismantled itself in 1850, Austria and Prussia once more took over effective power. The hard-won constitutions were weakened and the flag was once again forbidden. A Short Return in 1918 The later German Empire under Otto von  Bismarck and the emperors, that did unite Germany after all, chose a different tricolor as its national flag (the Prussian colors black, white and red). After World War I, the Weimar Republic emerged from the rubble. The parliament was trying to set up a democratic constitution and found its ideals represented in the old revolutionary flag of 1848. The democratic values this flag stands for could of course not be tolerated by the National Socialists (die Nationalsozialisten) and after they seized the power, the black, red, and gold was again replaced. Two Versions from 1949 But the old tricolor returned in 1949, twice even. As the Federal Republic and the GDR were formed, they reclaimed the black, red, and gold for their emblems. The Federal Republic clung to the traditional version of the flag while the GDR changed theirs in 1959. Their  new variant bore a hammer and a compass within a ring of rye. It was not until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the reunification of Germany in 1990, that the one national flag of a united Germany should finally be the old symbol of the democratic revolution of 1848. Interesting Fact Like in many other countries, burning the German flag or even trying so, is illegal according to  §90 Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) and can be punished with up to three years in prison or a fine. But you might get away with burning the flags of other countries. In the USA though, the burning of flags isnt illegal per se. What do you think? Should burning or damaging flags be illegal?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The life of Peter Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The life of Peter - Research Paper Example During the life of Peter he faced accidental greetings, scenes which were divine and most importantly he faced refusal. Hence it is believed that the story of Peter in the bible is one of the greatest narrations that depict a transformation in the way of life. It has been observed that amongst all the twelve believers Jesus had during His rule on Earth, Peter is considered to be the most candid of all. Undoubtedly he was considered to be the part of the most gallant advocates of the belief. His birth was of a common man but the death was of a great apostle. It has been observed that the start of his life was very modest in origin. As mentioned earlier the original name of Peter was Simon. It was Jesus who improved his name to Peter. The name Peter has literally originated from the term Petra which means "rock". Peter was basically a fisherman from the Galilean times and is apparently the brother of Andrew. Peter and his brother are considered to have their origination from the settle ment of Bethsaida. It is said that Peter was also a follower of John (Baptist). He was married. Before he had experienced divinity was a corrupt and sinful man. The guilt of being sinful was seen at various occasions, especially when he was in the company of Jesus Christ. Peter and his brother Andrew have the honor of being the first believer. (Meyer, 35) Since the fishermen of that time were fierce, bold, fearless, hot tempered and often used abusive language all these aspects were also present in Peter. Since their job requires physical labor which had made them rough and tough. They were full of themselves and had a bossy attitude. Their life was rough and bold as they had encountered various ups and downs in life like storms and thunders which had shaped their personality. Peter before he had met Jesus was lost and did not have any goal in life. But once they found Jesus without any further thoughts they starting to believe Him and followed him. They did not question Jesus Chris t and left everything behind for the sake of being good humans and firm believers. Like I mentioned previously, peter was one of the first believers of Jesus Christ as well as he has the honor of being the spokesman of Jesus at various occasions irrespective of the good or the evil. The thing that separates Peter from any other disciple is the unique vision he possessed which was related to the image of Jesus. Jesus's title that is 'Son of the Living God – The Savior' was also given for the first time by this noble man. He was so humble and considered himself so guilty of the sins he did in his earlier life that he used to feel that he did not deserve to be in the company of such a holy man. The love Jesus had for his him and his brother made them distinct and the â€Å"fishers of men†. There were certain flaws that were associated with Peter. For instance, that the boldness Peter flaunted most of the times became wrong for him. It is said that once he scolded the God and claimed that he could even sacrifice his life for Jesus. Despite this when Jesus was arrested and trialed, Peter refused the Lord around three times. Jesus was insightful and he knew that among his disciples who is actually honest to him and who would ultimately cheat on him. Peter has the honor of witnessing many miracles associated with Jesus from his own eyes. Along with two other disciples he witnessed the Shekhinah Glory during the time of Transfiguration. This is considered to be the time when the humanity

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Interviewing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Interviewing - Essay Example Mumbling into the phone can cast a negative impression upon the employer. Scripted response often gets easily identified and nullifies the chances for success, so response should me made on the spot and should be natural. The biggest key to success in in-person interviews is being yourself. The interviewee should not ask the interviewer not to ask questions about certain things if he/she does not have knowledge about them. Instead, the candidate should maintain a positive approach and be cool, calm and confident. Even if there are certain weaknesses, the candidate should believe that they can be improved with effort. It is important to maintain eye-contact with the employer. Frequent use of body language is recommended, and questions should be listened to with patience (Topic). Confidence, clarity of speech, and originality are three prime requirements of success in both telephone and in-person interviewing. The candidate should practice incorporating each of the three in the response before appearing for either kind of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Advertising and Potential Buyers Essay Example for Free

Advertising and Potential Buyers Essay Advertising is a favorable representation of product to make consumer, customers and general public aware of product. It let the potential buyers, general public and end users to be aware and familiar with the brands and their goods and services. Before going on the importance of advertising, we would have an introduction to advertising first. Advertising can be define as a paid form of non – professional but encouraging, complimenting and positively favorable presentation of goods and services to a group of people by an identified sponsor. It does not include distribution of free samples or offering bonuses, these are sales promotion. In simplest words advertising is introduction, to consumers and general public, of services and goods. See more: Satirical elements in the adventure of Huckleberry Finn essay Many people think that advertising a product means to sell it. But real aim of advertising is to make general public and potential buyers aware of goods, products and services available under a brand. Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services . Advertisers consider advertising a way to communicate with a particular audience. These advertisements are most common when an advertiser introduces a new product or brand in a category that consumers are already aware of. For example, when a company introduces a new flavor of potato chips. Consumers are familiar with snack foods and chips, but perhaps not this specific brand or flavor. The immediate purpose is awareness. Ideally, the consumer is then interested and will engage in trying the product, leading to purchase, and loyalty to the new product or brand. There are even some appeals which are used in advertisement. Appeals play a very important role in an advertisement. Appeals play a role of bringing life in a particular add. There are some appeals like emotional appeal, youth appeal, sex appeal, adventure appeal etc. these appeals have different features of their own. These appeals are used in order to attract customers and to force them to buy the product. In a successful business, advertising play an essential and important role. Though advertising does not mean selling of products and services but it helps in increasing your sells. Advertising create awareness in people. When general public be conscious to the products, services and goods under the brands and pursuit people towards brands and make them buying better brands. Advertising can be used to create brand awareness in general public and to make business more popular within the circle of potential buyers. Advertising, in a straight line, increases profit of the companies by escalating its revenue. The expenditure made on advertisement can turn as good boost in earnings. This mode of advertising advertises brands via newspaper, pamphlets, brochures, magazines, journals and books. By this mean of advertising brands can let know people, who are connected directly and indirectly connected with non – electronic media, about their supplies. It also includes banners and posters. Non – electronic media is in reach about every local. Advertising on print media is comparatively cheaper than advertising on television. Advertising on internet is getting more popular with time. It is the most ample platform available till date, for advertising and sharing news and creating awareness. You can get your advertising reached to every corner of the wo rld.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Alex Hailey :: Biography Biographies

Alex Hailey Journalist, writer. Alexander Murray Palmer Haley was born in Ithaca, New York, on August 11, 1921. He grew up in Henning, Tennessee, and graduated from high school at age 15. Haley studied at State Teachers College in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, for two years, and joined the Coast Guard in 1939. He started out as a mess attendant, Third Class, and in 1952 became the first to hold the title of Coast Guard Journalist. Haley’s friends quickly discovered his writing talent and began requesting his help when writing their own love letters. Haley also used his talents to recount the old tales of sea captains, which turned into his first published story. In the 1950s, Haley served as a public relations liaison, turning run-of-the-mill Coast Guard news into exciting, media-friendly narratives. After 20 years of service, Chief Journalist Haley retired from the Coast Guard in 1959 to pursue his career as a journalist full-time. He wrote stories for Playboy and Reader’s Digest , but his career exploded in 1965 with the publication of The Autobiography of Malcolm X . Haley had interviewed the minister of the Nation of Islam for Playboy, and these conversations expanded into the acclaimed autobiography. Malcolm X died shortly before the collaborative effort went to press. In 1965, Haley resolved to trace the genealogy of his mother’s family. He had grown up listening to his grandmother’s stories about â€Å"Kin-tay,† an African ancestor who was enslaved and shipped to America. Haley embarked on a safari to Juffure, a village in Gambia, to learn more. A local historian was able to tell Haley about his great-great-great-great-grandfather, Kunta Kinte, who was brought to America via slave-ship in 1767. Roots, Haley’s account of his family’s history, was published in 1976, after 12 years of research and creative reconstruction.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Complicating Conditions of Pregnancy and Childbirth

Maternal stays with complications were about fifty percent more costly $4,100 for non-delivery stays and $3,900 for delivery stays) than delivery stays without complications ($2,600). delivery-related complications accounted for $17. 4 billion, or nearly 5 percent of total hospital costs in the United States. Among non-delivery maternal stays, the following conditions occurred at a rate of 100 or more for every 1,000 hospital stays: early or threatened labor, infections of the genitourinary tract, and hypertension, including eclampsia and pre-eclampsia.Among maternal stays with delivery, rate of 50 99 for every 1 ,OOO eliveries: umbilical cord complications, 1st and 2nd degree perineal lacerations, previous Csection, and abnormal fetal heart rate or rhythm. Patients 35 to 44 years accounted for 15 percent of maternal stays with complicating conditions (with or without delivery), but comprised only 1 percent of delivery stays without complicating conditions. Anne Elixhauser, Ph.D. and Lauren M. Wier, M. P. H. Introduction Complications during pregnancy can pose a serious risk to both maternal and infant health, and are associated with various adverse outcomes, including miscarriage, emorrhage, preterm labor, and low birth weight. An objective of the U. S. Department of Health & Human Services' Healthy People 2020 is to reduce maternal illness and complications related for labor and delivery.This Statistical Brief presents data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient Sample (N'S) on pregnancy and childbirth hospitalizations with complicating conditions in 2008. All data are reported from the maternal perspective (i. e. , reflecting the experience of the mother, not the newborn). For the purpose of his Brief, †complicating conditions] include all ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes that are in the section entitled †Complications of 3 Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium. This Brief presents information on hospital utiliza tion and patient characteristics for the following types of hospital stays for: complicated pregnancy during which no delivery occurred (†non-delivery with complicating conditions]), delivery with complicated pregnancy or delivery (†delivery with complicating conditions]), and delivery without any mention of complicated regnancy or delivery (†delivery without complicating conditions]). In addition, this report provides information on specific types of complicating conditions of pregnancy and delivery.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Drug Education and Public Awareness

Throughout history, America has been fighting against drug and alcohol abuse in teens and adults. Many ways companies and anti-drug groups try to prevent drug and alcohol abuse is through education in school systems and out of school systems. They teach young students about drugs and alcohol before they risk being around them, and they teach older students about drugs while they are around in their daily lives. Are these education programs really necessary? That†s the question many people ask, and also the question I†m going to attempt to answer. The government is usually the group that attempts to educate people about the causes and effects of drugs and alcohol through programs such as D.A.R.E (drug abuse resistance education) or S.M.A.R.T. (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Specified objectives). D.A.R.E. tries to educate kids about drugs and alcohol while S.M.A.R.T. conducts studies to see how effective these programs really are. There have been several studies done that failed to find any value in the DARE program. About 26 million American school children are taught to resist the lure of drugs and alcohol by the DARE program, a studied showed that most of the students who took the 17 week DARE program ended up using drugs and alcohol at the same rate as children who learned about them in a normal health class. Many people think that DARE is the magic bullet to solve the drug and alcohol problems in the nation. Another study conducted in Illinois on about 1800 students, showed that DARE students used th! e same amount of drugs who did not take the program, and another study concluded that DARE students were more likely to use drugs than students without the education. Many tax payers demand to see what impact their money is having on substance abuse. The SMART program conducts many tests to show how effective or ineffective the use of drug and alcohol prevention or education programs really are. SMART has come to a conclusion that there is a â€Å"Null Hypothesis†, which means that X education programs has no significant effect in bringing substance abusers into long term abstinence. In 1995 SMART studied nearly 1000 people, from these they were able to find 99 who were discharged with the notation of â€Å"treatment complete.† Of these 99 they selected 50 people at random and were able to find only 18 of those 50 people, and of those 18 people, only 11 people said they had remained clean and sober since leaving the treatment and being educated about drugs. These studies are proof that the null hypothesis is true and most education programs do not have any effect on the people who are being educated about drugs and alcohol. Although the government is trying to help with the problem, they aren†t doing a very good job. It is a common observation that there is a hug lag time in the government†s response to a social problem such as drugs and alcohol. A problem will affect a society for quite some time and cause damage before the government will support any funds or a means to stop the problem. After they fund education programs to teach children about drugs and alcohol, they keep funding unnecessarily increasing taxes, which send money nowhere. The government needs to spend more money on realizing what they are doing wrong in educating students who only go off to use drugs anyway.There is a general theme of a Cultural Revolution of Drug Treatment programs seen in America. The revolution beings with the heroic phase where the problem begins and spreads rapidly and the use of drugs and alcohol increases. Next is the classical phase where the social problem reaches its peak and the use of drugs is the highest. During the Classical phase, education programs are being used to try to stop and prevent drug and alcohol use. Then there is an Imperial stage where the problem begins to decline and comes to an end after people have learned about drugs and alcohol. The final stage is the Decadent phase when the previous users who quit, being to use drugs and alcohol again the process continues. This shows that drug and alcohol education programs don†t really do much in the way of preventing drugs, except a short term of no drug use. There are also many education programs in older groups of people such as college students. Alcohol abuse prevention programming on college campuses presents special challenges. Although many people think of college students as young, they legally are adults. Since 1972, when the legal age of majority was lowered to 18, college students have all of the same rights and privileges as older adults, except they cannot drink legally until they reach the age of 21. Despite all the education that occurred when they were younger, they are now drinking under-age and buying alcohol underage. Many college students are killed due to alcohol poisoning. What did all that education about alcohol do? Absolutely nothing if they ended up drinking themselves to death. College administrators can no longer treat college undergraduates as children and have no authority to act the place of parents, since the parents of an 18 year old themselves have no legal authority over the student. The extent of a college's control over its students is a matter of contract. Colleges can enforce conduct codes only through contract rights. At Indiana University-Bloomington, alcohol is prohibited in all on-campus undergraduate residences supervised by the University, and in all other areas open to the public. While that is the rule, enforcement is difficult. Using a strong enforcement hand is very difficult, and not well accepted by students and many parents. These students were educated about the rules of alcohol at their college and also about the causes and effects of alcohol to the body and brain, but they still do not listen and studies show that they still drink regardless of what prevention program they underwent when they were teens. As you can see, and as the results from all the studies done show drug and alcohol education programs have little and sometimes absolutely no effect on the use of drugs and alcohol among students any age. Teens in high school, or adults in college, they all abuse drugs and alcohol no matter what drug education program they went through. Many people are even killed through the use of drugs and alcohol. The government needs to realize that educating people about drugs only makes them aware that the drugs are out there and available to them.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fulfilling Your Academic Goals †English Essay

Fulfilling Your Academic Goals – English Essay Free Online Research Papers Fulfilling Your Academic Goals English Essay The more you learn, the more impressed you get by all the possibilities there are available for an individual in order to fulfill his or her academic goals. All through my high school years I wanted to become a classical musician. I spent hours practicing my instrument and I decided to take a step further by joining a more demanding musical in order to improve my technique. By that time it seemed that my life was determined, I was to become a violist and perform countless musical pieces all through my adult life. However, as I gained more experience in the musical field I realized that what I wanted was an experience to perform major symphonic works and chamber music, which I already had the chance to do. As time passed by and the time for making my college applications approached, I had second thoughts about my intended major and I decided to join a university without declaring any major. It can be seen in my academic record that I have been in different fields, trying to figure out what fitted me the best. Despite the fact that my academic life seemed promising, considering that I performed well under different areas of study, I felt empty. I could not find something that filled me and made me fell a more complete individual. I needed some time to reflect on my strengths and find an area of study in which I could free myself and study with motivation and complete dedication. Finally in 2002 I decided to study science back in my hometown of Ponce, Puerto Rico. It felt good, I started with great motivation managing to dominate the classes and making a good impression to the faculty members. However, I was still uncertain about where to take that education further. Medicine was on my mind during the first semesters, but it did not seem the final decision. A less comfortable time came during the second semester of the 2003-2004 academic year. By that time I had already completed 3 semesters with great grades, however I saw everything ahead of me far away, which seemed as a recurre nce of past feelings of uncertainty that I had experienced before studying science and affected me negatively. However, inside me I know I am not meant to be a failure, I had already accomplished great things and I knew I could do even more. Therefore, medicine presented to me as a complete career in which I could immerse and learn from. It offers me a big challenge to complete, and a satisfaction in which I only found in music before. It has the ability to give me a big sense of utility, meaning that I am able to provide a human being with perhaps the most important physical necessity there is: health. Music gave me the opportunity to cultivate human culture and ensure the continuity of great musical compositions, however, medicine can give me a more direct opportunity to work with people by treating them in times of need, intending to help them to improve their health directly, which I think is a satisfaction that only medicine can offer as a career. Therefore, by combining an unmatched sense of utility for the well being of others, and a continuous academic challenge, I find medicine a n excellent field for me, since I have always wanted something to fill me as an individual, rather than just working for economical survival. Research Papers on Fulfilling Your Academic Goals - English EssayStandardized TestingHip-Hop is ArtEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaCapital PunishmentPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyGenetic EngineeringResearch Process Part OneBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Quotes About Being a Good Wife

Quotes About Being a Good Wife What qualities do men look for in a wife? Unlike what many women believe, men are not necessarily looking for a drop dead gorgeous woman as a spouse. True, men are attracted to smoking hot women who make their heart do a double flip. But when it comes to marriage, these are the questions men should ask: Do I Have a Karmic Connection With theGirl? She is immensely compatible. There is something about her that makes you miss her every moment that she is away from you. It is almost as if she can read your mind.  If you hit it off with this girl you are dating instantly. You enjoy her presence and she is probably the right girl for you. Does She Know Me Inside Out? Your girl is in tune with your needs, moods, and weaknesses. She knows how to turn you on and how to reach deep into your heart. But, if you find yourself satisfying her needs while ignoring your own,  back off from this relationship immediately. Does She Complete Me? Does your girl love you unconditionally? Do you trust her completely? Is she responsible, caring, and selfless? If yes, then get down on one knee now. You need a woman who will be by your side, loving you,  and caring for you. What more could you want from a wife? Wife Quotes Bring out the Flavors of Marriage If you are unsure whether you want to marry at all, read these wife quotes. Please note that most of them are by men who are trying to be funny. So if you can take a sporting look at marriage, go ahead and read these. There are a couple of quotes in this list that arent meant to be funny. Can you identify them? Groucho Marx Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife. Voltaire The husband who decides to surprise his wife is often very much surprised himself. Patrick Murray Ive had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one didnt. Ambrose Bierce Beauty, n: the power by which a woman charms a lover and terrifies a husband. Jimmy Durante My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now and then she stops to breathe. Henry Youngman Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take the time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays. Milton Berle A good wife always forgives her husband when shes wrong. Franklin P. Jones All women should know how to take care of children. Most of them will have a husband some day. Spike Milligan It was a perfect marriage. She didnt want to and he couldnt. Rodney Dangerfield Its tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she wont drink from my glass. Anthony Trollope A womans life is not perfect or whole till she has added herself to a husband. Nor is a mans life perfect or whole till he has added to himself a wife. Rose Pastor Stokes Some pray to marry the man they love, my prayer will somewhat vary; I humbly pray to Heaven above that I love the man I marry. Henny Youngman My wife dresses to kill. She also cooks the same way. Prince Philip When a man opens the car door for his wife, its either a new car or a new wife. James Holt McGavran Theres a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. Its called marriage. Helen Rowland Never trust a husband too far, nor a bachelor too near. Hillary Clinton Whether a womans running for office or shes supporting her husband whos running for office and she gets criticized for wearing open-toed shoes or for the color of her coat, theres just a lot of history that you bear if you are a woman who puts herself out in the political arena. Bill Cosby Let us now set forth one of the fundamental truths about marriage: the wife is in charge. Martin Luther Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave. Michel de Montaigne The concern that some women show at the absence of their husbands, does not arise from their not seeing them and being with them, but from their apprehension that their husbands are enjoying pleasures in which they do not participate, and which, from their being at a distance, they have not the power of interrupting. Oscar Wilde The husbands of very beautiful women belong to the criminal classes. Paul-Jean Toulet A woman who loves her husband is merely paying her bills.  A woman who loves her lover gives alms to the poor. Sacha Guitry When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. Walter Winchell The reason theyre called the opposite sex is because every time you think you have your wife fooled - its just the opposite! Lee Trevino My wife tells me she doesnt care what I do when Im away, as long as Im not enjoying it. Kin Hubbard If you havent seen your wife smile at a traffic cop, you havent seen her smile her prettiest.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Coursework - Essay Example However, after 9/11 events, it expected downturn in the economy, hence it felt the need to cut costs. Thus, in 2002, the company’s strategy was changed to ‘Investing in technology, capability and infrastructure’ (Rolls Royce, 2002). To cut costs it decided to change the priority on employees and lay-off extra resources wherever needed. In 2002 alone, it reduced the total head count by 4900 (Rose, Rolls Royce Annual Report 2002, 2002). Shift in focus from New Product Development to Creation of Capabilities which Increase the Scope and Value of Service Activities: Due to fall in overall demand for new engines, Rolls Royce shifted the focus from new product development to cost reduction per unit and creation of capabilities which increase the scope and value of service activities. Rescaled the business to balance load and capacity: Post 9/11 company analysed the impact of the event on the demand and capacity of civil aerospace business and its consequence on the workload and employment with Rolls Royce facilities throughout the world. In line with the expected downturn in demand for civil engines, Rolls Royce revised the number of engine units it expected to sell in 2002 (1500 from to 900 engines) Change in the mix of sales: Due to decrease in expected sales of new engines, Rolls Royce placed more stress on services front as a growth avenue. They strategized to increase their after- market revenue by developing comprehensive services capabilities. As a result of increased focus on services in 2001, the revenue from services accounted for 44% of sales in 2002 (Rose, Rolls Royce Annual Report 2002, 2002) Supply Chain Restructuring: Post September 2001, Rolls Royce decided to reschedule its entire civil engines supply chain effecting a 40% reduction in planned deliveries at very short notice. Supply chain restructuring was

Friday, November 1, 2019

Family Law Degree Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Family Law Degree - Essay Example This is clear from the Matrimonial Causes Act of 1973. In this case, Naomi may file a petition for ancillary relief, in particular an order for maintenance pending suit pursuant to 2.53 of The Family Proceeding Rules 1991. It must be made clear that though a divorce terminates a marriage, it does not terminate the relations of the spouse to each other, in the sense that the court may validly order one spouse to financially support the other, particularly if there is a disparity in financial resources. Upon receipt of the application for ancillary relief, the court fixes a first appointment and then provides notice to both parties, particularly to the spouse from whom support is demanded. This is to ensure that the requirements of due process are met. Interim orders may also be made by the court in cases wherein the immediate financial assistance is needed. Naomi can avail of this remedy to ensure that her needs are met and she receives uninterrupted support. Of course, Naomi must present evidence to prove that she is indeed in need of financial support. This is to prevent turning an already-painful divorce process into an opportunistic game. The evidentiary requirements may be found in the Family Proceeding Rules 1991. Pursuant to these Rules - 2.58-(1)A ... General provisions as to evidence etc on application for ancillary relief 2.58-(1)A petitioner or respondent who has applied for ancillary relief in his petition or answer and who intends to proceed with the application before a district judge shall, subject to rule 2.6 7, file a notice in Form M 1 3 and within four days after doing so serve a copy on the other spouse. (2)Where an application is made for ancillary relief, not being an application to which rule 2.61 applies, the notice in Form M I I or M 1 3, as the case may be, shall unless otherwise directed be supported by an affidavit by the applicant containing full particulars of his property and income, and stating the facts relied on in support of the application. (3)Within 28 days after the service of an affidavit under paragraph (2) or within such other time as the court may fix, the respondent to the application shall file an affidavit in answer containing full particulars of his property and income. Naomi may also petition the Court for an issuance of a maintenance order, which will allow Joshua to pay her in increments. A maintenance order may be nominal or specific. It is nominal if there is uncertainty as to the capacity to pay of the respondent and there is a need to keep the action alive. It is specific if definite dates have been set. Moreover, though Naomi and Joshua have been married for only through years, the she is entitled to the same rights as a spouse after a long-term marriage. This is clear in a very recent House of Lords decision. In the case of Miller v. Miller (2006 UKHL 24), the Court held that the benchmark for division should be equal shares, and the length of a marriage should not be a consideration. Three main considerations should be looked upon - financial needs,