Monday, January 27, 2020

The Often Complex Process Of Reading English Language Essay

The Often Complex Process Of Reading English Language Essay Reading is often seen as a fairly simple process where a person reads text from left to right and from the top to the bottom while making meaning one word at a time. The process of reading is much more complex than this, and many theorists have presented models explaining what skills and knowledge they believe people need to possess in order to read effectively. Three mainstream theories of teaching Reading include the Psycholinguistic model, the Bottom-up model and the Socio-cultural model supported by Luke and Freebody (year 1990?). The Psycholinguistic Model: The Psycholinguistic model of teaching Reading is also called the Top-down model and the Inside-out model. Goodman (1967), a theorist supporting this reading model, proposes that the reader is the major component of reading, as opposed to the Bottom-up model which focuses on the text. The Psycholinguistic model places importance on the reader making meaning from a text by relating it to their background and prior understandings. The more prior knowledge and experiences a reader has, the less dependence they will need to place on word order, language structures, and phonological concepts (week 1 ppt). Unlike the Bottom-up reading model, this theory focuses on the non-visual information that the reader has and suggests that, in order to read, one must have semantic, syntactic and grapho-phonic knowledge. Semantic information involves a readers prior knowledge and understandings of the world and various concepts. Syntactic knowledge is the understanding of word order and language struct ures (week 1 ppt, p.?), and grapho-phonic information involves phonological concepts; an understanding of the alphabet and the sounds that various letters and letter combinations make (week 1 ppt). The idea of relying on the readers experiences and prior knowledge can also be seen as one of the biggest downfalls to this model. When presented with reading topics that are new to the reader, it is very difficult to make meaning of a text based solely on prior knowledge. For example, picture a young boy living in a secluded, poor village in Africa reading a text about Blu-Ray DVDs. The boy would likely have no knowledge or prior experience with this topic and so, according to this model, would not be able to make meaning of the text (slideshare). The Bottom-Up Model: The Bottom-Up Reading theory is also known as the Skills Model and the Outside-in theory. According to this Reading theory, beginner readers obtain a number of sub-skills that build towards understanding and comprehension. This theory suggests that readers passively receive information from a text and that it is their job to reproduce the meaning that already exists in the text. Visual information is the beginning point of the Bottom-Up Reading theory and involves interpreting written symbols into spoken language (McCarthy, 1999 www.teachingenglish) or (Nunan, 1991). Reading, according to this theory, involves recognising letters before recognising sounds, before recognising words, before recognising sentences, before finally making meaning of a text (week 1 ppt). It is essentially a decoding or skills approach based on the relationship between sounds and written symbols (week 1 ppt). One downfall of this theory is that it doesnt take into account the contributions a reader can bring to the process such as prior understandings and knowledge. It fails to recognise the need for the reader to use their previous experiences in order to make predictions and to have expectations whist reading. This process focuses on the text whereas the Psycholinguistic model focuses on the reader; two factors that are not enough by themselves (www.slideshare). The Socio-Cultural Model: The Socio-Cultural model of teaching Reading, supported by Luke Freebody (year), recognises the importance of both the reader and the text in the reading process. In this model, importance is placed equally on both the text and the reader (nadabs). Unlike the psycholinguistic and bottom-up models, the Socio-cultural theory relies on both the visual and non-visual aspects of reading and not just on one of these factors (www.slideshare). An attempt is made to combine the positive aspects of both the Psycholinguistic and Bottom-up models, whilst also trying to eliminate the negatives (McCormick, 1988). As a result of this, the Socio-cultural reading model focuses on the importance of prior knowledge while recognising the fact that certain skills are also necessary (www.slideshare). This Reading theory consists of four Roles of the Reader which include the Code Breaker, the Text Participant, the Text User and the Text Analysis. The code breaker involves decoding visual information such as letter-sound understanding. Text participant involves creating meaning from the text by using prior knowledge and experiences. Text user involves knowing the purpose of a text and how to use it, for example, a recipe, comprehension or birthday card, and Text analysis involves working out what the author is trying to do to you, for example, underlying intentions and biases (week 1 ppt). According to this socio-cultural model, a reader is required to successfully perform each of these four roles in order to become effective readers. Most effective model to use in the classroom: The Socio-Cultural model is the most promising teaching Reading theory as it tries to incorporate the positive components and eliminate the negative components of both the psycholinguistic and the Bottom-up Reading theories. This model, therefore, is arguably the most effective theory to be used in the classroom as it recognises the importance of both the Reader and the text. According to Eskey (1988), a good read is someone who is able to decode and interpret readings in an increasingly automatic manner. They attempt to identify the purpose and the form of a text before reading it, continually making predictions about what will happen next based on personal experiences and information learned earlier. Effective readers also try to form a summary of what they have read by using skills such as classifying, sequencing, hypothesising, predicting, inferring, comparing and contrasting (www.teachingenglish). The socio-cultural reading model tries to present a balanced view of the reading process and recognises the importance of teaching children phonics and other necessary skills, while noting that phonics by itself is not enough. Students need to be able to do more than just say a written sentence; they also need to try to make meaning of it. According to this model, students should be given plenty of opportunities to practice each of the following four roles of the reader; Code-breaker, Text-participant, Text-user and Text-analysis (Winch et al., 2001, p.58). They need to learn to say the words, create meaning from these words, know the purpose of each text and how to use it, and finally, learn to recognise how a text is positioning them. According to this Socio-cultural reading model, students are effective readers once they have become proficient at each of these four reading roles (Winch et al, 2001). Classroom practice examples: Effective teaching is necessary in order to nurture students to become effective readers. Reading lessons must be carefully planned, prepared and monitored to ensure that high level learning is occurring in the classroom. The activities a teacher chooses to assist in any Reading lesson must encourage students to learn necessary skills and to perform each of the four roles of the reader. Activities must provide students with frequent opportunities to read, teach them phonological skills, and help them to understand the structure of verbal and written words. Effective teachers will model effective reading to their students in a fun, positive manner by using props, acting, strong expression and variations in speed, pitch and volume to ensure that students see the process as enjoyable. Shared reading or modelled reading is one activity that teachers should incorporate into their Reading teaching program. It is usually a whole-class activity structured to demonstrate effective reading to the students. Teachers will often use a big book that all students can see and will follow a somewhat structured procedure. Before reading the book, an effective Reading teacher will try to build up their students semantic knowledge about the topic of the book so that students are able to relate text to mental pictures. This could be done by taking students on an excursion, drawing/painting pictures, watching a video or through writing activities. When first introducing a big book, the teacher should ensure that it is visible to all students and should encourage children to suggest what they think the book might be about. The teacher then reads through the entire book with limited stops as this first reading is usually for the enjoyment of the children. Following readings are more i nteractive and require students to join in on repetitive parts and answer questions about the storyline, characters, punctuation and structure. They are also followed up with activities to help support learning and encourage understanding. Shared reading helps to build sight word knowledge, increases reading fluency, provides opportunities for struggling readers to enjoy books they otherwise would not, and ensures that all students have a feeling of success as the whole class is supported (WETA Guided reading is another effective strategy to use in the classroom. This differs to shared reading in that students are placed in groups of similar reading ability and are given their own book to look at.The book should be introduced in a similar manner to shared reading, with attention being paid to the front cover, author and illustrator. Each students should be given the opportunity to read a designated section out loud, however, teachers should be careful not to set a child up for failure by asking a struggling reader to read a large, difficult portion of the book. Techniques should be available for students to use in order to overcome reading difficulties such as with phonics, grammar and meaning. Students should be required to take on the four roles of the reader by answering pre-prepared questions by the teacher. After a guided reading session, students should re-read the book with a partner and then take the book home to read to their parents. Again, follow-up activities ar e to be used in order to reinforce new learning such as sequencing activities or memory where repetitive words are written on pieces of card/paper and students are required to find two matching words (Winch, et al., 2001). Guided reading is effective as it allows children to read and comprehend books at their own level, instead of struggling to read books that are too difficult and where students are unable to make meaning of the text. Another effective activity to use when teaching Reading to students is called The language experience approach which uses events that have occurred in the students life in order to create texts. Students verbally share an experience which is written down either by the student or with the help from the teacher. These stories then become meaningful texts for reading and further activities as they are written at the students level and often reflect common every day experiences. The language experience approach is an effective strategy as it is learner-centred and shows students that their thoughts and experiences are valued. It also creates texts that are readable and predictable as it uses language that is common to the students (McCormick, 1988). Reading is a very complex cognitive process and involves both the text and the semantics of the reader. The Psycholinguistic and Bottom-up models both acknowledge some important elements of the reading process, however, the Socio-cultural model is more effective as it attempts to combine the positive and eliminate the negative aspects of each. Effective teaching is of great importance in order to help students to become competent readers. By providing students with valuable reading activities and experiences, and encouraging them to take on the four roles of the reader, teachers are setting students up with the essential skills and understandings to becoming effective readers.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Final Strategic Planning Essay

In any business, there are strategies in place to make sure the business is a success. This is how Healthy Happy BOW WOW plans to run and execute plans for success. This company is in the process of creating a product unlike any other on the market. Our objective is to do as much research as needed to create this product for dogs so that they can live healthier, happier lives. To do this, the company has made sure to begin with hiring the best possible people to do the jobs required at Happy Healthy BOW WOW. This means scientists, researchers, properly trained maintenance and clean-up crew, analysts, and people just to run day-to-day operations. The company will also hire a marketing team when it is getting ready to launch to make sure the product team markets it properly before final launch to get the information to the public. In the meantime, one strategy the company plans to use is the media. The company will give tours of the facility safely and show the research being performed and how clean and state of the art the facility is. All of this is free advertising that the company needs because of such a high cost of the research and facility. Another strategy the company plans to use and is in the process of doing is reaching out to get research money from the government and other entities to help fund the project. The company is receiving government funds shortly and plans on putting them directly into research as directed in the grant. The company is also working closely with other agencies for non-profit such as the ASPCA to raise funds for further research. In turn, the company will be donating many products for the ASPCA to use on animals they rescue. The company also wants to donate and pair with local and eventually nationwide animal shelters to help animals in need because this is the company’s top priority. To help make dogs healthy, and a healthy well taken care of dog is a happy dog. This is also a way to use the media because if the company receives a lot of camera time of all the good work it is doing to help animals it will help boost sales. In addition, this will get the product out to other main companies such a Purina, Iams, and PetCo. These are all great companies with good reputations that Happy Healthy BOW WOW plans to team with in the future. If the company receives donations from some of these types of companies with a plan to integrate it will make the company very sound to the public very quickly. This is because they are companies that people in the community trust and respect. Another strategic sound plan for gaining more access to funds for research is to begin to develop and take the product a step further. Happy Healthy BOW WOW wants to start by making the product for all types of pets not just dogs. It will branch off and form two different subsidiaries. One will be for research for other small animals such as cats, birds, rabbits, etc. The other has plans to be a research facility for a larger base of customers such as commercial farmers. This will take the company to a completely new level. This is not something that is going to happen immediately, but is in the strategic planning stage for the future for the company to grow and expand and to continue to receive more funding for the government and other agencies. To make sure the company is getting the word out to the public in the right way it will involve a few tactics. It will get with some of these companies and have survey made that people will receive with a product from one of the companies. This will have an incentive such as getting a coupon off the next product for filling out the survey. The company will handle this process to keep the price of this promotion a little lower that if another company was to handle it. The company also has representative that will go around to different places and talk to vendors and the people that are going to be purchasing the product. The company wants to everyone to get to know the faces in front and behind the scenes at Healthy Happy BOW WOW because customer service is a top priority at the company. This is another way that they use the media as a tactic to get people to know and have understandable knowledge of the company’s mission and values. The company can do this by bringing the media behind the scenes and its front of the house people to the public. As far as safety, legal, and ethical values are concerned within the company the CEO takes very seriously. There are serious background checks and screening done on employees and not just when hired but periodically throughout employment along with drug screenings. The CEO also makes sure inspections are thorough and often. The company has its own team to do inspections and an outside team to come in and do inspections as well. The company has not failed a single government inspection due to this process. If the company fails these regulated inspections by the government it will shut the company down. This why the company follows all regulations of the law presently and will always follow them in the future. There is too much at stake and money spent to take that risk. Happy Healthy BOW WOW wants to be in touch with its customers on a constant basis. The company will hold events and always have information on hand for anyone with comments, suggestions, and questions. They will have a website where all dog lovers can get together and chat and it will be free of charge. It will have broadcasts of upcoming events on-line and through the media. The company will do anything and everything in its power to reach out to its loyal customer to prove and show what the company is about and that is happy healthy customers and the people they belong too. End of Summary In the world today, many people have dogs and love them as if the dog is so much a part of their lives as not just a companion but also much more than that. People of all types endure their dogs as a part of their family. This may mean a single person having a dog or a family that considers that dog as a part of the family and cannot think of life without the dog they love and cherish. This why it is so important to take care of that loved animal and make sure that the pet is in top physical shape and lives a happy long life. This is not always easy because of so many health issues that may arise. There are many shots and vaccinations that scientists develop to prevent disease and problems such as Rabies, Mange, Parvo, Worms, and many more. There are so many now it is hard to keep track. This is where Healthy Happy BOW-WOW comes to the rescue. It is a new innovative idea that tracks the health of a dog by using a dog toy to check the saliva of a dog for health conditions. This is a business creating a product that helps determine the health of a dog. How it works is to use dog toys to track whether or not a dog is healthy. This happens by using a safe non-toxic serum that detects different chemical reactions to relate whether or not the dog has a healthy immune system or if something is wrong. This not an exact science and Healthy Happy BOW WOW is doing research to determine the best possible way to implement this program and as safely as possible. Most dogs love to play with some type of toy, whether it is a stuffed animal or a ball, so it is easy for owners to use this product. A person has the ability of using this product as much as the same as people use toys to make a dog have fun and the freedom they enjoy. This product is in process and needs more research to make sure it is safe and effective for dogs of all types and sizes. It is the same rationale as liquid flea medication that scientists use to determine the amount for which is safe for animals the weigh differently than others. A dog weighing 90 pounds does not take the same medication for fleas, as a 20-pound dog needs to have. This is why the company has a research team to ensure the right dosage for a person’s pet. Every person that has a dog has the ability to ensure a longer life for his or her cherished pet by using this product. This means any person that has a dog that they love is a potential customer. Another way this product is helpful for canines and potential customers is that if a shelter uses this product to show a potential person wanting to adopt a dog is how it works for their future pet. That person has the reassurance the pet is healthy and has the opportunity to make sure they can sustain the health of their future pet by using this product. Many people are afraid of stray dogs because they are not sure of what infections the dog may carry. This product creates a way of standard of adopting animals that may cut down of the fear of adoption. This is just one of the ways that the company plans to create a product to satisfy the company’s customers, which the company believes, are the dog and the pet owner. The company is creating this product just as much for the pet in a person’s life as the person themselves as customers. The responsibility of making sure dogs and all pets are in good health and happy relies on the ethical and social responsibility of people. Companies such as Pet-Co are a prime example of what Healthier Happy BOW BOW wants the company’s standards to be. According to â€Å"Ethisphere Institute Honors Ethical Behavior Of Petco, Other Companies† (2013), â€Å"Petco has been named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for 2013 and was the only pet-related company to make the list, the Ethisphere Institute reported today. † This is what this company wants its standards to be in the near future. Everyone plays a role in the care of animals and this is the goal of this company to make it happen. The company wants everyone to play a part in making sure pets have a good home and a healthy and happy long life. This is what it means to be socially and ethically responsible in every community no matter where. That is why the company wants to integrate the community with the product to create awareness. Stray animals are on the streets every day and are hungry and sick because of malnourishment. This not the animals fault. People make decisions for themselves, but animals do not have that opportunity and it is disturbing that so many animals go hungry and people abused because of the choices that people make. This company has plans that have the opportunity for people to step up and stop this from happening and this is the vision and future of this company. Many people do not realize or turn the other cheek when it comes to animals in need because of their busy lives. It is no okay for this to happen, which is why this company plans to use profits to teach people about what is happening in the world today in the hands of people in regards to animal abuse. Customer’s needs are important to Healthy Happy BOW WOW and this is why it caters to anyone and everyone that shows an interest in adopting a pet or currently has one they love. The reason why the company has advantage considering customer’s needs and competitive advantage is because like Pet Co this company wants to ensure pets are taken care of in the way that the people the dogs are paired with love being a part of each other’s lives and making a standard of living for the pet. Most companies try, and have commercials promoting dedication to animals but few actually do anything about what is happening to pets that are not paying customers. These companies only strive to pay an amount to a charity of its choice to show on television that the company is trying. If certain companies such as Purina wanted to make a huge difference in helping the Humane Societies across the United States, it would with all the massive money it makes. This is why Healthy Happy BOW WOW will stand against the competition to show the responsibility it wants to ensure the safety of pets and their health. This is what Healthy Happy BOW WOW is about and nothing less. This company has many advantages such as it is a new and innovative product with lots of room for advancement. It is something every pet love would want for their pet so it is easily marketable. There are disadvantages also. Since it is such a great product, there are worries of another company stealing the idea and creating a generic version. The company has many opportunities for advancement and plans to move forward with the product. It wants to take the product to the next level by developing the product for more than just dogs. The company wants to make the product for all pets and possibly go commercial and create a version for livestock as well. The problem with this is the cost. Research is very costly so Health Happy BOW WOW has to make sure, market the product well to people, and communicate the importance of the product to the people who will be buying it. This is why the company plans to use the media as a main source of marketing. The company will give tours of the facilities safely to the media so that they can convey to the people a lot of information about the product and its safety. This is a way to have free advertising and a way to reach a very large audience in a short amount of time. The company will also use a marketing team and advertise on-line and through television ads and billboards. The company wants to make sure the public knows that the product is undergoing extensive research to make sure it is the safest and most quality item for their pet.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Discuss how Rhys Ifans and BBC Shorts Production “realises” Act 2 Scene 3 Essay

Discuss how Rhys Ifans and BBC Shorts Production â€Å"realises† Act 2 Scene 3 for television. Do you think this is a successful adaptation? The scene we are studying is directly after the killing of Duncan. This will mean the Director and Actors will have to create a realistic setting. There will be a lot of drama and tension. We all know that Macbeth killed Duncan but what the production has to do is show that he is trying to play along with the rest of the characters as though he is as surprised as them. I have decided to focus my attentions on the BBC Shorts Production of this scene, directed by Justin Chadwick. Firstly we are introduced to the actor, Rhys Ifans, who is to play Macbeth. He is extremely interested in this dynamic character and the scene he is to perform in. He hopes in his performance to convey the conflicting emotions of Macbeth. Macbeth has just murdered the King. He knows this and cannot escape this reality. When Macbeth brings Lenox and Macduff to the room where Duncan’s body lies, he cannot face to go into the room yet he cannot change what has happened. He is trapped. Ifans also describes how there is a â€Å"plethora of options† which the language offers to the actors meaning the character is diverse and can be performed in many different ways. The actors also have to display the relationship of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. She has been the dynamo behind him all this time. Yet when he kills the henchmen we realise that he is no longer â€Å"plotting† with her, but has left her behind. He is also angry with her. He feels as though he has killed for her affections and to prove his manliness which angers him. Lady Macbeth is still a strong character but the actress playing her, Abigail Campton, needs to show that the tables have turned and she has been forgotten. Ifans needs to portray Macbeth in such a way that shows us he detests Lady Macbeth for what he ultimately thinks she pushed him to do. There is also the suggestion that Banquo is suspicious of the Macbeth and his wife as he is shocked at Lady Macbeth’s response to the hearing of the killing when she immediately thinks of her reputation, rather than Duncan’s welfare; and when MacBeth defiantly kills the Henchmen. Banquo, played by Dave Fishley, needs to show that he has a close relationship with Macbeth and he knows that although Macbeth is a brave soldier he is not a cold – blooded killer. This production is set in a Modern Gothic Mansion. This is important because at MacBeth’s time it was gothic so this is an updated version. It is supposed to have affluence and decadence but with an end of the millennium feel to it. The setting is as though it is the morning after a huge party. Top designers such as Gucci, Versace and Alexander McQueen create the costumes. They are very extravagant which suits this production. Ifans creates the atmosphere by saying it gives us a sense of â€Å"heightened reality where anything can happen†. The millennium feel also fits in as it gives us the feeling that it is the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. It would be very difficult for the director to do this scene as it is taken from a very diverse text and he is only concentrating on this section of the play. The production opens with a Prologue: a piece of drama that is not in the text. He decides to show us the actual murder of Duncan, which has spine-chilling effects. The first Shot we see is of a â€Å"door† far away. The door is actually a white curtain, which could refer back to earlier in the text when Macbeth talks of â€Å"wicked dreams† and how they â€Å"abuse the curtained sleep†. When you are sleeping you are protected unless you are disturbed by something evil. The colours in this shot are blue and grey suggesting coldness. There is the sound of a heavy drum and the camera does not zoom up to the door but cuts three times, which creates drama. Heavy breathing is also heard. I feel the director is trying to show us MacBeth’s journey as he goes to kill the King. It is dramatic and the camera is angular. Your attention is totally fixed on the door. The door is a bright white, which signifies that good lies behind it and is going to be destroyed. In the final cut there are noticeably two people posing as statues. They are Egyptian Ka Statues. These statues were put outside the tombs and it was believed the soul of the dead inside would be transferred into the statue. This is significant, as we know Duncan will die in this room yet by having real people pose as the statues intensifies what is about to happen. There is not one statue but two, implying that there will be more deaths after the King. There is then an abrupt change. A dramatic colour change is noticed. It is a deep red but it is also very dark and there are shadows being formed. This is very dominant after the greys and blues. The light is almost as though it is infrared so we can see into the darkness. I think this is to show that it was night time and the red creates the image of evilness and blood. The actual act of the murder is done very cleverly. We see a close-up of Macbeth leaning over Duncan’s sleeping body. His face is tense and his eyes wide to show anxiety. The shot then cuts to Duncan abruptly waking up. There is another quick change of camera as Macbeth makes his first wound in Duncan and then there is a shot of Lady MacBeth’s eye. By introducing her into this scene it shows the control she had over Macbeth and could also suggest he is thinking of her as he kills. The camera then goes back to Macbeth who stabs Duncan twice more then leans over his body breathing deeply. This image is very sexual and his breathing represents a man at the height of sex. Again this makes us think of Lady Macbeth. She challenged her husband’s manhood when he was having second thoughts about the murder. This could also suggest that they both are sexually aroused by the thought of the murder. By killing the King he is in some way making love to her. The dagger is then used as a phallic symbol, which is a representation of a man’s penis in Greek Legend. Macbeth looks straight into Lady MacBeth’s eyes as if questioning to see if he had performed well enough for her. Also by having Lady Macbeth at the murder heightens the drama, as though she is still pushing him. He then offers her the daggers. This again is a sexual reference as he is offering her his manhood and she takes it away, satisfied. We are then taken to outside the door and it is now a retreat away rather than coming towards it. The retreat is slow and gives us the feeling of dizziness, as though Macbeth is faint after completing the deed. There is a backlight now behind the door suggesting that something has happened. There is the sound of music now. It is quite futuristic with slow rhythm tic beats and creates the perfect atmosphere for the next shots. It cuts to a Landscape shot of the main hall of the mansion. The camera slowly moves to the right. Firstly we see Macbeth’s arm. He is holding on tightly to the railings behind him. His head is down and he is still breathing very heavily. His position is suggestive of the crucifixion, almost as though he is crucifying himself for his actions. His behaviour could also represent drugs as the night before was a party. Macbeth is presented by Ifans as sleep-deprived and high. He then looks directly into the camera, which is very dramatic. It implies Macbeth is dangerous as he stops breathing so heavily, as if he is beginning to calm down. This makes the character seem very frightening. The camera then gives us a wider shot of the gothic hallway. At the gothic arches there are colours of deep pink and red on them. This is significant as there has been a murder. Lighting is being used again to show the change in the atmosphere. The drumbeat continues as the camera cuts to a room full of sleeping people. They are lying â€Å"sprawled† across the floor as if they just fell there after their night of partying. We are then shown a close-up shot of Lady MacBeth’s face. The camera is at an angle, which could represent the confusion. Her face is shadowed and she is wearing heavy, dark make-up. This makes her appear evil with no compassion for what has just taken place. Campton has a wonderful glaring look in her eye enabling us to see how cold this character is. This then cuts to the porter who jumps up from the mass of sleeping bodies. Before this character even speaks we know he is going to be outrageous. The costume is really brought into effect here. The wacky headdress and slashed top, along with the mad antics of this character provide this dark scene with some light relief. The Porter is being very crude, shouting, laughing and running about. This could help us realise how the other people in the house were feeling. They were probably hung over and confused about their actions the night before. An interesting shot is taken when there is an Ariel view of two stairwells inter-linking. The Porter runs up and down appearing at different places. This could represent the confusion of the mind and also gives us an image of hell as he is talking about letting people through. It is an image of eternity. Also as he approaches the door quickly, we can see a statue with an orange glow. This is another sign that this house is connected with the evils of hell and because this is the topic the porter is talking about, it makes it all the more dramatic. Two new characters are introduced. Macduff who is played by Christopher Colquhen and Lenox played by Joseph McFadden. They arrive to awake the King as he had made plans to go early. There is the creation of tension, as Macbeth appears on the line â€Å"Is thy master stirring?† As he enters there is a high sound of a computerised noise, like a string on a violin, which causes tension. There is still the rhythm of the drum representing the heartbeat. This is to show Macbeth may look cool on the outside but there is still the anxiety hidden inside. He speaks calmly to both men and tells them he will bring them to the King. He arrogantly walks through them and there is even a hint of bisexual advances between Macbeth and Lenox as they look at one another. Macbeth is relaxed and cool yet the walls are still red showing the truth. We are then taken back to a far off shot of the door. This time two cameras are used. One to show the men as they walk toward the door and another to show what they are looking at. This is a repetition of the opening of the scene. Macbeth is making the same journey. This whole sequence is slowed down and the camera is swaying. The music becomes louder and as the three men walk toward the door they almost seem like models walking on the catwalk. This represents the stylishness of the production. Macbeth’ suit is a tie-dye effect with white and dark blue. The colours are dramatic because it is almost as if his goodness which is represented by the white colour is being covered up by the darkness of the murder, the dark colour. The modern cinema idea comes into play here as the three men walk toward the door, almost like three warriors or FBI agents about to uncover something. There is a glow of red behind the three men, which is very effective. The slowing down of the camera leav es us to wait in anticipation of what is going to happen. They arrive at the door and Macduff goes in to wake the King. Ifans shows us that Macbeth cannot face going inside by continuing to stare at the door, waiting for the truth to be revealed. The cleverness of the text means that although Macbeth will not go into the room, he cannot escape his actions and Lenox represents the death with his words. Lenox is making polite conversation about the weather and as he recounts how the night had been bad due to weather, Macbeth begins to focus on what Lenox is saying. As Lenox speaks of â€Å"Lamentings heard I’ the air†, we can see by Ifans facial expression that he is re-playing what the murder was like in his head. His position on screen is identical to at the start of the production when he is about to stab the King so visually we are reminded of the killing also. The drum becomes louder here as though Macbeth is anxious. MacBeth’s reply totally understates everything which Lenox has said, â€Å"‘t’was a rough night†. The music heightens here to create drama as Macduff re-enters. He is standing with his head lowered and mutters the word â€Å"Horror† as if in total disbelief. The lighting is clever here and we cannot make out his eyes as they are blackened. This is to represent that he has been blinded by the sight he has witnessed and links to the reference in his speech about â€Å"gorgons† which are terrible monsters that blind people. As Macduff comes forward in between the two other men it shows that one of MacBeth’s eyes are blacked out. This could tell us that he two has been blinded but only partially, not fully. Colquhen is excellent as Macduff. Usually, in other productions such as Channel 4’s version directed by Michael Bugbane, we see the character run out of the room shouting in utter disbelief. However, Colquhen gives us the sense that the character is almost faint due to the sight he saw. He begins to walk up the corridor talking in shock and thinking of the people he has to deliver the news to such as the King’s two young sons. This is when he begins to seem deeply angered and spits out his words for the whole mansion to here. This leads us to the room, which Lady Macbeth is in. Macduff enters. Her position is excellent. She is sitting high up, almost as though she is already on the throne assuming power. She speaks to Macduff in a nasty way. She almost spits out the line, â€Å"What’s the business†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and commands him in a strong voice to speak. Macduff refuses to tell the â€Å"gentle lady† what has happened and this is very ironic. It is like black comedy. She is looking very domineering while sitting on her throne and speaking cruelly to Macduff yet he still remarks she is a woman and cannot handle what he has to say. Banquo enters asking about the confusion and Macduff whispers it into his ear but Lady Macbeth overhears. Campton speaks with venom in her words. She sneers at the thought of Duncan being killed in her house. She is showing that Lady Macbeth is not worried about Duncan but because it happened in her house and she will seem responsible. Her costume emphasises this part of her character as she is wearing dark clothes with an elaborate hat, almost like a crown. Banquo is disgusted at her reaction and talks through gritted teeth. He directs the line â€Å"Too cruel anywhere† at her implying his suspicions then turns his back to her to show he does not want to talk about what happened with her. Macbeth then enters with Lenox. He is no longer wearing his coat so he is identical to how he looked when he killed the King. This is ironic, as he has just come back from killing the henchmen. He immediately looks at Lady Macbeth. This is to show he sees her as the primary force in all this mess. Macbeth begins to speak and does so in an accusing way. We know he is speaking for the benefit of Lady Macbeth. He spits out the words almost as though he is ready to burst into tears. His line â€Å"Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessed time†, is full of regret and is his way of telling his wife this. Donalbain, one of Duncan’s sons wakes up and questions what is happening. Macbeth responds to the young Prince’s question in an insane way. He holds the Prince’s head in his hands firmly and gently shouts into his face. This shocks the other men. Macbeth speaks to Donalbain in poetical language saying â€Å"the fountain of your blood is stopped†, whereas Macduff Comes straight to the point by saying his father is dead. Macbeth then holds the Prince’s head into his chest. He is realising the effect the murder is going to have on so many people and although it would appear he is comforting the King’s son, he is actually comforting himself. Lenox tells the young Prince’s that the evidence of the bloodied knifes show that the henchmen are guilty and Macbeth announces to the group he killed them in fury. Macduff questions this action and it is the first hint of suspicion by someone other than Banquo, who has been standing behind Macbeth trying to look into his face and discover the truth. Macbeth begins his speech to stick up for himself after MacDuff’s question. He starts to walk around the group of people gathered talking into their necks as though he is sniggering at them because they questioned his actions. As he is explaining the emotions that were running through his body when he discovered the henchmen, he makes eye contact with Lady Macbeth and begins to walk toward her. On the wall behind Macbeth there is a modern painting that looks like the image of the crucifixion. This is a connection with the image of Macbeth earlier in the production and could also be a sign that he has made a mistake and will be punished. He comes to Lady Macbeth and grabs her head into his hands as he did with Donalbain. He begins to describe the actual stabbing, â€Å"Here lay Duncan, His silver skin laced with golden blood† and spits the words into her face. Ifans wanted Lady Macbeth to know exactly what the murder was like and how gruesome it had been. I feel he is so passionate as he speaks because of her earlier accusation to him only loving her if he performed the murder. He is showing her what a mess he has made to prove his love for her and he is very angry. This is when we see the power switch between the two characters. She is genuinely frightened by his reaction and tries to free herself from his grip with trembling hands. Chadwick decided not to have Lady Macbeth faint, as it would not work in this situation. Instead he changes the meaning of the words spoken. When Lady Macbeth says â€Å"help me hence† she is asking the others in the room to help her, not because she feels faint. When Macduff steps forward he takes a hold of MacBeth’s arm and says, â€Å"Look to the Lady†. He is asking Macbeth to look at how he has scared his wife not for someone to attend to her after she faints. This was a very good idea and adds variety from other productions. When Lady Macbeth shouts for help we know she is doing this because Macbeth has overstepped the mark and is revealing too much. This is her way of trying to put him back in his place. Banquo then makes a declaration of loyalty to the dead King to question â€Å"this most bloody piece of work† and directs this speech at Macbeth. Fishley is trying to show that Banquo is taking the moral position. When he speaks he stresses the word â€Å"I† as though he is distancing himself from Macbeth. The other men in the room plight their feelings also but Macbeth remains silent which shows he is no longer the same and is excluded from the declaration. The drum again becomes louder and quicker as we sense MacBeth’s anguish. All the men leave the room and dramatically Lady Macbeth is left alone. She is still leaning against the wall and no longer looks as strong as before. She is by herself and this is significant to the rest of the play. Macbeth no longer needs her. The scene finishes with Donalbain and Malcolm speaking of how they must flee as there are â€Å"daggers in men’s smiles† and they could be in danger. Chadwick again introduces a new idea that Macbeth overhears their conversation about them both fleeing to England and Ireland. This shows us that Macbeth is not finished and will go on to lead a life corrupt with murder and evil. The final shot is of Macbeth looking straight into camera with a sly smile on his face. Ifans was trying to show that there has been a change in Macbeth and he is no longer the man he was before. The colour is again dark grey and blue implying he is cold to human feelings. This ends the scene in an interesting climax and leaves you wondering what will happen next.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Essay about Card Report- The Glass Menagerie - 1270 Words

Card Report: â€Å"The Glass Menagerie† Conflict The major conflict in â€Å"The Glass Menagerie† is the feeling of hopelessness that each of the Wingfield’s struggles with. Amanda’s hopelessness comes from the feeling that she isn’t as important as she once was, as though her fame/glory is slowly fading away. It is this fear that causes her to push Laura to become more socially accepted and popular with others. Laura is extremely afraid of seeing Jim O’Connor, and beneath that we can see her insecurities about her physical appearance and her fear of being able to be a productive member of society. Tom’s desire to create poetry stems from his fear of being stuck in a job where he feels he won’t make a difference, that isn’t taking him†¦show more content†¦Amanda then decides that her daughter’s only shot at life, and the family’s only shot at being financially secure, is to marry Laura to someone prominent in the community. Amanda talks to Tom about potential matches for Laura, and eventually he decides that Jim O’Connor is a good candidate. What both Tom and Amanda are unaware of is Laura’s long-time crush on Jim O’Connor. This is where things really start to get complicated. When Laura finally comes forward and steps out of her shell for a moment to dance and talk with Jim, her favorite glass unicorn’s horn is broken in the process, leaving it a normal-looking horse. Protagonist Tom Wingfield is the protagonist in this play, as the sole provider for his mother/sister and his own struggles with his reality. Exposition As we meet Tom, Laura, and Amanda, we learn certain things about each of their behavior from the beginning. We learn that Tom has been getting drunk and going to the movies, of which he is often scolded for. He shows us that it’s because he hates his life. Laura, on the other hand, has been allowing her shyness to have control over and ruin her life. Amanda spends much of her time discussing the past, as though her â€Å"glory days† were past and all she has left to hold onto are her memories. Within these events, there is foreshadowing leading up to each situation.Show MoreRelatedLondon as a Tourist Destination5587 Words   |  23 PagesFor my report on a destination in the UK, I have chosen to do London. I chose London because it is the Capital City of England and because of its enormous range attractions to see and things to do such as see the London dungeons to go on the London eye, it attracts hundreds of thousands of people. Tourist Generating Areas (TGA) These are areas of the world where people originate from and go on holiday else where, such as London, USA and Japan. The figures of tourists coming to London in 2002Read MoreMonologue: Reading and Students6486 Words   |  26 PagesSchool Monologues Teaching Students to Read and Write Monologues Welcome to the World of Monologue A Sample Unit of Lessons for Middle and High School Teachers Jefferson County Public Schools Version 2.0 WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF MONOLOGUE By all reports from the field, this unit can be a lot of fun for you and your students: †¢ there’s performance †¢ there’s walking in others’ shoes and learning empathy 1 Middle/High School Monologues †¢ there’s connecting to Farris Bueller, Bill Cosby, Lily TomlinRead MoreMultiple Intelligences Seminar and Workshop14464 Words   |  58 Pages # Julian has painted brilliant fall leaves on each windowpane. # Mia cant wait to get to PE. # Colin has organized the schools charity fund drive. # Deepak provides in-class spiritual counseling. # Jane adds a new animal to the class menagerie daily. # Gary scrawls witty absurdities in the margins of his notebook. The next time you have a chance to reflect on your class, imagine your students as individuals who have fully realized and developed their intelligences. 1.4 How has M.I